What'up on Curve ? #70
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I hope I didn’t forget something.
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Vote and proposal
Vote to add gauges on other chains !
Not many noticed, but an ability to create gauges and votes for non-Ethereum chains was added! As an example, three votes were created for pools which make good fees but have no CRV incentives yet:
Pools ⚖️
More volatility = More volume = More fees !
$SDT is trying to find a new home. Those APY may help.
General stuffs 🤤
Road to sustainability
When cryptocurrency protocols are young, token emissions often overweight the revenues. For example, Bitcoin emissions are still much larger than fees.
Here are some pools on curve.fi which brought more fees than they took CRV emissions in the last 24 hours
The veCRV bribe website will go offline soon. But the community takes over.
Either with mirror website:
Given that a few of Andre's projects will go offline in about a month, I've put up a mirror website for his veCRV bribe system: vecrv-bribes.llama.airforce
I won't develop this any further, but I've heard some veCRV users would still like to use this system, hence I'm just mirroring
Or with a team willing to pick it up.
Andre made us want to be involved veCRV, He is the legend in defi space. Considering bribe veCRV will go offline soon, and the vision of bribe protocol is aligned with our long-term goal, we decided to pick this up.
We will continue to develop further
Curve et $CRV elsewhere
Borrow against our CRV LP tokens.
And with your CVX LP tokens.
A little sneak peek of our UI (with placeholders), on our next Community Call we will be walking through the full UI experience! Back-end code is nearly ready for audit/review as well :)
From the community
Nice analysis
In the latest On-Chain Markets Update from @intotheblock, @pjnm looks at how staking and swapping drives user engagement on @CurveFinance
The data indicates that a majority (72%) of users that swap tokens on the AMM also provide liquidity.
Read more👇
A very nice chart inside this one
[News] ☢️ Leaky Sunday! Lock Everything, Dump Nothing
In tonight's Leaky, @LiquidityWizard reveals a bit more about the @TokenReactor <> @CurveFinance & @ConvexFinance strategy.
Did you buy the dip ?